
Escan Endpoint Security Alert

Endpoints, PCs and servers (virtual or physical), are the primary target and entry point for data breaches and targeted attack.

Traditional methods of detection and mitigation of threats to endpoints are reactive.  Historically, the approach was for data log collection and analysis to be performed after the detection of a compromise or breach, leaving the incident responders scrambling to respond to and mitigate the compromise after it has already taken place.  The average dwell time for malware on a given endpoint is currently over 200 days, allowing threat actors plenty of time to reach their objective such as data exfiltration, disrupt operations, financial gain, etc.

SAVANTURE’s leading real-time managed Endpoint Threat Detection and Response (ETDR) platform delivers unprecedented visibility and context to enterprise security teams around targeted, persistent threats.  SAVANTURE dramatically reduces the impact of advanced attacks, providing real-time, behavioral-based intelligence on attacker activity upon infiltration, so organizations can defend their business leveraging SAVANTURE’s contextual attack evidence for a rapid, prioritized response.  As a MSSP, SAVANTURE leverages this data to correlate with other network, IT  and security data to improve the accuracy level

Combining ‘stealthware’ technology and Big Data analytics, SAVANTURE turns the tables on attackers, giving security teams and incident responders an advantage over their adversaries to make better security decisions with real-time, automated, forensic-level analysis.

The SAVANTURE ETDR has the following capabilities:

  • Continuous endpoint recording
  • Kernel Mode Stealth Components
  • Host Quarantine/Response Capabilities
  • Behavioral Analysis
  • Threat Intelligence Feed
  • Virus Total Integration
  • On-Premise Deployment
  • Incident Response Data
  • Big Data Based Storage
  • Search

ETDR alerts feed into SAVANTURE’s cloud based Security Platform, SAGE™ and is backed by security and risk experts monitoring threat on our customer environments 24/7. By providing a cost effective platform that automates many manual task, ongoing experiences leveraged across hundreds of customers, and intelligence continuously feed into SAGE™, SAVANTURE is  able to provide organizations of all size a path from compete uncertainty to measurable risk reduction, real-time security awareness, and the ability to better meet compliance and regulatory requirements.

endpoint security engineer     endpoint security comparison