
Eset Endpoint Security Firewall Rules


The JavaScript

Ok, so now we’re ready for the main event. I’m sorry, but it’s really not that exciting. If you’re familiar with how AJAX works, this should be very familiar looking.

All we are doing is getting the data from the form, POSTing it via AJAX to the posts endpoint of the API — “/wp-json/wp/v2/posts”. If the server returns a success code, we alert the success message setup in the last step, if not, we alert the failure message.

The most important thing to notice in this code is the beforeSend function. This is where we add the nonce to the header of the request. The nonce must be in a header called “X-WP-Nonce” for the REST API to pick it up. To do this we use xhr.setRequestHeader.

Here is the full JavaScript we need:

jQuery( document ).ready( function ( $ ) {

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