
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 Rollback


Feel free to modify this form to fit your needs. Just make sure to keep the IDs of the form fields in sync with the JavaScript we’ll be creating shortly.

Loading The JavaScript

We’re going to need a little bit of JavaScript to make this form work. To do so, we’ll want to load a file, using wp_enqueue_script(), like we would any other script.

In addition, we’ll want to make a few pieces of information available to the JavaScript. We can do this with wp_localize_script(). What we will need to make available is the root URL of the REST API, and a nonce with the action “wp_rest”. I also added two strings to the localized object — one for a success message and one for a failure message. Doing this server side makes the strings translatable.

The most important part of what we are doing in this step, is making a nonce. The REST API will use the regular WordPress auth cookie to authenticate the user, but only if that nonce is present. If you’re not familiar with nonces, then that’s OK, it’s a cool trick to prevent cross-scripting attacks and otherwise ensure the data submitted to a server is coming from who the nonce was created for, not a malicious user, bot or other evildoer.

Here is how I set up my JavaScript:

add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', function() {

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