
Symantec Endpoint Protection Vs Mcafee Enterprise

Error: 7863, Severity: 16, The endpoint was not changed. The ALTER ENDPOINT statement did not contain any values to modify or update. Error: 7864, Severity: 16, CREATE/ALTER ENDPOINT cannot be used to update the endpoint with this information. The Dedicated Administrator Connection endpoint is reserved and cannot be updated. Error: 7865, Severity: 16, Web Services Description Language (WSDL) generation failed because the system was unable to query the metadata for the endpoint. Error: 7866, Severity: 16, XML attribute and element values larger than 4000 characters are only allowed within the SOAP Body node. Error: 7867, Severity: 15, An invalid sqlCollationVersion was specified for parameter “%.*ls”.

Error: 7868, Severity: 15, An invalid sqlSortId was specified for parameter “%.*ls”. Error: 7869, Severity: 16, The endpoint name ‘%.*ls’ is reserved for used by SQL. Endpoint names cannot begin with ‘%.*ls’. Error: 7870, Severity: 16, The AFFINITY clause is not supported for endpoints of this type. Error: 7871, Severity: 16, The clause “%.*ls” is not valid for this endpoint type. Error: 7872, Severity: 16, %.*ls is not a parameter for procedure “%.*ls”, or it was supplied out of order. Error: 7873, Severity: 16, The endpoint “%.*ls” is a built-in endpoint and cannot be dropped. Use the protocol configuration utilities to ADD or DROP Transact-SQL endpoints. Error: 7874, Severity: 16, An endpoint already exists with the bindings specified. Only one endpoint supported for a specific binding. Use ALTER ENDPOINT or DROP the existing endpoint and execute the CREATE ENDPOINT statement.

Error: 7875, Severity: 16, An unexpected XML construct was found in the character data of the “%.*ls” element (in the “%.*ls” namespace) of the SOAP request. Error: 7878, Severity: 16, This “%.*ls ENDPOINT” statement is not supported on this edition of SQL Server. Error: 7879, Severity: 10, SQL Server is waiting for %d remaining sessions and connections to close. If these sessions are not closed within a reasonable amount of time, “polite” shutdown will be aborted. This message may appear several times before SQL Server is shutdown. Error: 7880, Severity: 10, SQL Server has successfully finished closing sessions and connections. Error: 7881, Severity: 10, SQL Server was unable to close sessions and connections in a reasonable amount of time and is aborting “polite” shutdown. Error: 7882, Severity: 16, OUTPUT was requested for parameter ‘%.*ls’, which is not supported for a WEBMETHOD with FORMAT=NONE. Error: 7883, Severity: 16, User-defined functions cannot be used for a WEBMETHOD withFORMAT=NONE. Error: 7884, Severity: 20, Violation of tabular data stream (TDS) protocol. This is most often caused by a previous exception on this task. The last exception on the task was error %d, severity %d, address 0x%p. This connection will be terminated.

This is applicable on below versions of SQL Server

SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2014

Hope this was helpful.

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